BackPainSeal.com will periodically offer special discounts and promotions to our loyal customers. To take advantage of these promotions simply enter the Coupon Code that accompanies the offer during checkout prior to payment. Some discounts will be shown immediately from your shopping cart and throughout the website and special discounts such as shipping promotions will be calculated during checkout prior to payment.

We accept all Major Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex and also Paypal.

Orders are processed in USD, AUD, CAD and GBP based on the currency with which you have added products to your cart. If you complete your checkout via PayPal, then you will checkout using USD currency converted at the latest exchange rate automatically.

You can be absolutely sure that all purchases here are safe and secure. In fact, our online store is GlobalSign DV SSL certified with 100% safe transactions.

For most countries you will not have to pay customs, but it depends where you are located and if you order in bulk. For bulk order, please write to the support team separately. We will make the necessary arrangements for you.

Depending upon the volume of orders, it usually takes about 2-7 business days.

It is the customer’s responsibility to provide an accurate and valid shipping address. Insufficient or incorrect information regarding your shipping address (e.g. street address, city, state, zip or postal code, etc.) may cause your order to be returned.

Orders that are returned to us due to invalid addresses provided by the customer require an additional shipping fee to be reshipped.

After your order has been placed and confirmed, your order begins to process and you cannot make any changes to your order online. To change or cancel your order prior to shipment, contact Customer Service. Please note that most orders process quickly and can enter the shipping process within hours. If your order has already entered the shipping process, it cannot be changed or canceled.

Absolutely not! We do not sell our customers information. Emails are strictly for follow-up and to send newsletters of our promotions and coupons for discounts.

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